Calendar Report
Calendar Report is a full year of transits and progressions to provide insight to the biosphere of universal energy available at any given moment. Remember underlying matter is energy and underlying energy is Spirit. To be receptive to the Spiritual Truth one must be faithful and orderly with matter and energy.
Calendar Report:
Calendar Report is a helpful tool for Spiritual development. The calendar is for transits and progression to a natal chart. Astrology is the mother of science, remember science began with the observation of nature. We use the natal birth chart along with transits and progressions to map our your developmental process by creating points of passage. These Astrological Consultations are called, “Charting your Enlightenment.” IPD has designed a unique way of using the birth chart as a map to unlock greater human potential. Learn your strengths and challenges. Track your developmental process and be prepared for the biosphere of energy available to you at any given time. The best way to predict your future is to create it.
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Calendar Report and other Products
Charts: Natal, Progressed, Composite, Transits, Relocation, Electional, Celestial Positioning System (CPS) and Horary. Give us your date, place, and time along with specific instructions and we will get you your chart.$5.00 each.
Search Reports for your charts are $10.00 a month.
Calendars are for 1 year and come in pdf files only.
For Consultations see Metaphysical Personal Training at $80.00 per hour.