A picture of the classroom wall in Hampton NH, of the Kriya Yoga Lineage.

I Am Everywhere Always!

Lineage is the line of individuals that have been passing the “Light of initiation” or “secret to Life” from one generation to the next. This procession keeps the flame of a Yoga system burning so that it continues to produce the intended results. Using history as a gauge to test the integrity of a Yoga practice is helpful and distinguishes it from secular and “self made” systems. The mysteries of the universe have been handed down verbally from teacher to student.

a picture of Sri Sri Babaji of the Kriya Yoga Lineage.
Sri Sri Babaji

Sri Sri Babaji is the Spiritual fountainhead of the Kriya Yoga lineage.

a picture of the Kriya Yoga Lineage.
Lahiri Mahasaya

Sri Sri Babaji initiated
Lahiri Mahasaya.

a picture of the Kriya Yoga Lineage.
Sri Yukteswarji

Lahiri Mahasaya initiated
Sri Yukteswarji

a picture of Paramahansa Yogananda of the Kriya Yoga.
Paramahansa Yogananda

Sri Yukteswarji initiated Paramahansa Yogananda.

a picture of Sri Shelliji of the Kriya Yoga.
Sri Shelliji

Paramahansa Yogananda initiated Sri Shelliji.

a picture of Goswami Kriyananda of the Kriya Yoga Lineage.
Goswami Kriyananda

Sri Shelliji initiated
Goswami Kriyananda.

a picture of Swami Jayananda, ordained by Goswami Kriyananda of the Kriya Yoga Lineage.
Swami Jayananda

Goswami Kriyananda ordained
Swami Jayananda.

Kriya Yoga is Union with the Divine; “The eight essential stages of Yoga” are a complete holistic health management system that translate into a path of action, a path of knowledge, and a path of devotion. These lifestyle strategies are designed to initiate a process in physiological, psychological, and spiritual development that unfolds in three phases: pre-personal or unconscious awareness, personal or self-conscious awareness and transpersonal or super-conscious awareness. Total Consciousness is the goal of Yoga.” Kenneth Toy (Swami Jayananda)

Kriya Yoga has the support of a Lineage and is a traditional system of Yoga to obtain Enlightenment. As a Spiritual Science, Yoga becomes a path of liberation from the material law of karma into Self Realization. It all begins with the Union of an individual with the Divine.

Spiritual Law is different than material law. Spirit is absolute, omnipresent, and omnipotent. In the Light of Divine Truth there is no ignorance. Darkness is ignorance. Divine Light dispels darkness.