Christ Yoga
Title: The Function of Christ in Kriya Yoga.
“There is no way to know God aright except through Christ.” Herb Fitch Realization of Oneness class 4A.
Christ Yoga is a radio talk show with the title The Function of Christ in Kriya Yoga.

Christ Yoga:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about Christ as the saving aspect of Truth; the Messiah or the universal Principle that makes the Divine Creation comprehensive to human consciousness. Listen as they explain why Paramahansa Yogananda referred to Christ consciousness in the teaching of Kriya Yoga and why without it there are no fruits in meditation. “In Christ Consciousness the whole world – everyone and everything in it – is your own. The whole of space and everything in it belongs to you….When you cultivate this consciousness and therein understand that everything is yours, you will have no prejudices about race or colour.” From: Yogananda Tuning in with Christ Consciousness. In this show they will discuss the Divine Law and why the small and simple explains the large and complex. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and demonstrate Divine Truth.
- Yoga meaning union with the Divine it stands to reason one must Know the Divine in order to join with it especially when one understands the physics of Spirituality. Like attracts like. Christ is the Messiah which is the saving aspect of Truth; It is what makes the Divine creation comprehensive to human consciousness. Christ Yoga!
- Herb Fitch in RO 4A tells us, “You have to answer these questions to yourself because we learn that there is only one power that can save an individual from self-destruction and it is the Christ. There is no way to know God aright except through Christ. You cannot find Christ external to your being. Christ is the Kingdom of God within you and unless you are in that kingdom, how can the treasury of that kingdom flow as your experience? What’s the point of seeking supply out there when the Kingdom of God is within you? What’s the point of seeking happiness out there or even health out there if the Kingdom of God is within you?”
- When you are out of the five material senses you are unconscious but when you are conscious of Divine Truth you are out of the five material senses but you are not unconscious– You are Christ Conscious; aware of the Divine Creation.
- Herb Fitch RO 4A, “because we learn that there is only one power that can save an individual from self-destruction and it is the Christ. There is no way to know God aright except through Christ. You cannot find Christ external to your being. Christ is the Kingdom of God within you and unless you are in that kingdom, how can the treasury of that kingdom flow as your experience?” Christ is the “Son of God” the Divine Idea of the Divine creative Principle. The reflection as Mind considering Its own content.
- Mary Baker Eddy refers to this as Principle and Idea or God and Man. Christ Yoga.
In a paper she wrote “The Body” it says, “The term Mind and body I understand to mean God and man; man the manifestation and embodiment of Mind is the body of Mind; is the Infinite aggregation of spiritual ideas forever held, controlled, and governed by the law of Life, harmony, and completeness, so man was never born, never had a claim, never sinned, never left heaven, but is spiritual, perfect, harmonious and eternal. This understanding is the savior to our belief of body, the law of recovery of every and any claim of error.
There is just one God and one body.
I am the image and likeness of God; no mortal mind can confine this image in a mortal body, harm or touch it in any way, Mind has set me free from every error. Divine Love fills every avenue, flows through every channel and removes every obstruction.
Man has no material body through which to express anything; his body is the body of God.” - Herb Fitch soundbite from La Jolla Series class 9B two different segments from the same place.
- Jesus would say “I and the Father are One” Spirit is One, One Perfect Divine Eternal Life which is changeless and functioning right here and now. How do we find the Christ within? We begin with belief in the presence of Divine Truth, the Divine Idea