Asana One
Title: Kriya Yoga Asana Class Revision One
The physical body is only mortal thought made visible.
Asana One is a radio talk show discussing some of the changes being introduced into the Kriya Yoga Asana Program

Asana One:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the changes taking place in the infrastructure of the Kriya Yoga Asana program as a result of a deeper understanding of Spiritual Law. Listen as they explain the revised application of “how we think is what we become,” learn how to forsake human thinking for Divine knowing. In this show they will explain the pragmatic benefits of practicing Spiritual Science. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the light in your soul and externalize the Perfection of Being.
- Inspired by the recent movie on BKS Iyengar and what appears as a material approach to Yoga with medical yoga. We can’t make a silk purse from a sow’s ear and we can’t be under the Divine Law of Life with a belief in matter.
- In Kriya Yoga Asana the body is only the barometer to provide clues for individual consciousness. When there is pain, discomfort, defect etc. in the body there is belief in something other than the Perfection of Being. Change how we are thinking.
- Make your mind an avenue of awareness for the presence of Spirit, Truth, Divine Mind. When Spirit is cause creation is perfect.
- The physical body is only an image in consciousness and when it shows fault it is being externalized by mortal mind or human thinking; individualized by the world mind. When we forsake human thinking by changing to letting Divine Mind individualize us we reveal the perfect reflection.
- You use the term “senseless optimism” often as something to be avoided and now you are saying this is exactly what we must do. Can you explain? Here it is important to distinguish between denial of physical evidence and the acknowledgement of the Perfection of Being. We must know the Truth, all life is the expression of an indestructible principle, to activate it in our experience.
- Only use the senses to help us know what we are paying allegiance to– sowing to the flesh (believing the senses) or sowing to the Spirit (trusting the Perfection of Being). If God is all and God is absolute goodness what is this?
- It is crucial to know that it is not possible to be in the Truth of Being and experience any discord, sickness, suffering, lack, imperfection, or pain. Truth dispels error; when we are seeking perfection, satisfaction, or success we are in error.