Spiritual Steps
Title: Taking Steps in Spiritual Understanding
“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen” Hebrews 11:1
Spiritual Steps is a radio talk show with the title Taking Steps in Spiritual Understanding.

Spiritual Steps:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk more about apotheosis and the stages of human development from material to Divine. Listen as they compare the metamorphosis of a butterfly to the growth the mortal to immortal Self– the journey from boy to King. Listen as they discuss levels of consciousness and degrees of awareness associated with modes of thinking. As Mary Baker Eddy said, “Until belief becomes faith, and faith becomes spiritual understanding, human thought has little relation to the actual or divine.” Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and let go of material moorings.
- S&H 269:9 “Human philosophy has made God manlike. Christian Science makes man Godlike.”
- S&H 269:14-16 “Metaphysics resolves things into thoughts, and exchanges the objects of sense for the ideas of Soul.”
- S&H 272:3 “The spiritual sense of truth must be gained before Truth can be understood. This sense is assimilated only as we are honest, unselfish, loving, and meek.”
- S&H 272:28 “The divine Principle of the universe must interpret the universe.”
- S&H 274:17-22 “When what we erroneously term the five physical senses are misdirected, they are simply the manifested beliefs of mortal mind, which affirm that life, substance, and intelligence are material, instead of spiritual. These false beliefs and their products constitute the flesh, and the flesh wars against Spirit.”
- “In the degree that we become more and more aware that Spirit is the only power, and that we do not have a separate life or consciousness of our own, but that God constitutes our being” Joel Goldsmith
- “You have to open your consciousness to it. You are the Christ, but you are asleep to the Christ. And when you receive the Christ, you are awake to the Christ. And then you are awake to the fact that you are truly the living Son of the Living God with all the privileges there unto. It’s all laid out for you. All we have to do is to prune out all those qualities that are unlike the Christ in order to become aware of what is Christ. To accept what we are through faith – though possibly it’s more than faith at this point because we can see some of the miracles and that’s not faith anymore – you have proven something. It’s deeper than faith; it’s faith proven, faith established as fact.” Herb Fitch Healing 1990 6B
- “But your rebirth will be when you accept Christ within and you become the Divine Light of God.” “It’s a power to maintain the perfection of God’s universe.” Herb Fitch Healing 1990 6B
- “Your spoken word is not needed to make wholeness manifest, for wholeness is the eternal state of the unseen and the seen, the unformed and the formed; but it is needed for your unfoldment, for the unfolding and broadening and deepening of the individual until he realizes this perfection.” The Body by Mary Baker Eddy
- S&H 297:20 “Faith is higher and more spiritual than belief. It is a chrysalis state of human thought, in which spiritual evidence, contradicting the testimony of material sense, begins to appear, and Truth, the ever-present, is becoming understood. Human thoughts have their degrees of comparison. Some thoughts are better than others. A belief in Truth is better than a belief in error, but no mortal testimony is founded on the divine rock. Mortal testimony can be shaken. Until belief becomes faith, and faith becomes spiritual understanding, human thought has little relation to the actual or divine.”